So…about Hollywood…

This time of year always makes me think of Malibu Beach and whenever I see these photos from the years I spent in and out of Hollywood, it’s tempting to believe them — but the reality is, those were some of the saddest, loneliest times of my entire life. I look at these beautiful pictures of me now and cringe.

Beachfront mansions and fancy clothes mean nothing without kindness around — and money and fame are useless without love.

The end.

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and I am spending my vacation in the studio because making songs has always been the thing that keeps me well.

This process is much less tortured these days than it used to be. Feels super happy in here.

This Mental Health Awareness Month, I am feeling really grateful to be here — and not just to be here, but to be happy and healthy and here.

We’re in here working on a new record and you can actually hear this peace I’ve found in my vocal takes. Longterm recovery is a trip. 🖤

I know many of you are struggling right now. Navigating addiction and persistent mental health conditions can be so brutal.

Please know that I am rooting for you. I want us all to win. And I believe some sort of extraordinary peace is out here waiting for each of you, too.





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)