The last time I got wasted was 14 years ago tonight.

Everyone who knew me back then thought I was a goner — but here I am, a very much not-goner.

Appreciate the opportunity to still be gay and stupid after all these years.



Recovery is Possible.

Longterm addiction recovery is wild cuz every now and then I’ll run into someone from the before world and it’s always like “Oh shit, last time we saw each other you were doing coke off of my friend’s dick while I smoked crack in the single occupancy bathroom at The Tube while like 20 people were knocking on the door after a 4 day bender at my house where we ended up burning all my furniture to keep warm and now I’m just trying to pay for my veggie sandwich but here you are, 15 years later, at the veggie sandwich shop. How have you been?”

Long story short, this is why I never take my sunglasses off.

(P.S. this is advocacy)





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